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Energy Efficiency Rating System of New Non-residential Buildings
作者 林憲德 (Hsien-Te Lin)郭柏巖 (Po-Yen Kuo)嚴佳茹 (Chia-Ju Yen)王榮進 (Rong-Jin Wang)羅時麒 (Shih-Chi Lo)

本研究仿歐盟建築能效指令EPBD所發展的建築能效標示制度,以現有綠建築系統的節能指標導入建築能效評估法,成為與既有綠建築系統整合的台灣特有建築能效評估系統TBERS。TBERS包括適用於新建非住宅類的BERSn與既有非住宅類的BERSe兩大部分,但本文僅就BERSn部分說明其解析理論、評估邏輯與能效標示方法。BERSn以動態分區EUI理論與分區EUI右偏分佈理論,並以eQUEST軟體來模擬十類建築物的基準建築模型,以建立其標準化的分區EUI資料庫。BERSn同時根據EN 15217(2007)所建議之A~G七階段分級評分法,建置BERSn的七階段EUI評分尺度。本研究首先以建築外殼、空調、照明等節能效率之最差、平均、最佳水準之建築模型,以eQUEST軟體模擬建置了12建築類型的72種建築耗能分區的最大值、中位值、最小值之EUI基準值資料庫。此資料庫經由能源局等各機關所大量調查實測的EUI分佈統計進行比對分析後證實為合理的可信度。接著,BERSn直接引用EEWH-BC系統的建築、空調、照明三個節能效率指標EEV、EAC、EL創造出其能效計算方法,以便替代我國綠建築體系的日常節能指標評分法,未來適用BERSn的12類建築物可同時申請取得綠建築標章與建築能效標章。本研究最後仿一些歐盟國家在能效分級上加入近零能源建築標示之作法,建議以節能率ESR50%水準之EUI數值作為NZEB之基準,並以1+等級標示於BERSn評分尺度之最上方。如此一來,BERSn可整合BERS、GB、NZEB等三大系統成為一個三贏的建築能源政策。



Following the BERS (Building Energy-Efficiency Rating System) developed by European Union’s EPBD, this paper is to develop an unique TBERS (Taiwan’s BERS) integrated the Taiwan’s GB (Green Building) system by introducing its existing energy conservation indexes into the TBERS’s building energy-efficiency evaluation method. TBERS includes BERSn for new non-residential buildings and BERSe for existing non-residential buildings, but this paper is introducing the analysis theory, rating philosophy and labelling method only for BERSn. Based on Dynamic Zone EUI theory and EUI Right Skewed Distribution theory, BERSn established a standardizes Zone EUI database for 10 building types which is produced by the eQUEST simulation of the reference building models of these building types, and created a 7 level’s EUI labeling scaleaccording to the A~G rating scale suggested by EN15217. Firstly, this paper established an EUI database with maximum, average, minimum EUI value for 72 zones of 12 building types through the eQUEST simulation by the reference models with worst, average, best level of energy efficiency in building envelope, AC, lighting system. This database have been proved to have an appropriate reliability through the comparison analysis with the EUI distribution of real investigated EUI data from several institutes including Bureau of Energy. Secondly, BERSn directly apply 3 energy indicators, EEV, EAC, EL for building envelopes, AC, lighting, from EEWH-BC system to create its energy efficiency rating method so as to substitute the existing energy evaluation method of Taiwan’s GB system and let the certified GB project can get the BERS certification at the same times for 12 building types defined by BERSn. Finally, following the labelling method of NEZB(Nearly Zero-Energy Building) added on the existing energy-efficiency labelling scale in some EU countries, this paper suggested the NEZBstandard can be set on the Energy Saving Rate50% and can be labeled on the top of BERSn scale with 1+ level. As a result, BERSn is expected to integrate the three systems of BERS, GB, NZEB and create a triple-win policy of building energy.


起訖頁 037-058
關鍵詞 動態分區EUI建築能效評估系統綠建築標章非住宅建築Dynamic Zone EUIBuilding Energy-Efficiency Rating SystemGreen Building SystemNon-residential Building
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202106 (116期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 整合照度需求與照明節能之照明功率密度基準及簡易圖表法—以辦公空間為例
該期刊-下一篇 居住空間情境照明感受度與節能效益的研究—以20~30歲年輕族群為例




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