Generally, the indicators for evaluating lighting energy saving cannot simultaneously evaluate the illuminance value, and the pre-evaluation of illuminance usually requires computer simulation. For non-professionals, it is difficult to grasp the type and number of configurations of light sources beforehand. This study intends to explore a mechanism that can take into account both illuminance and energy saving.This study found that among the three light sources discussed, LED is the most energy-efficient, followed by T5, and T8 is the most energy consuming.When the reflectivity of ceiling, wall and floor reduced by 20%, the lighting power density must increase by 2-6%, 1-4% and 4-8%.When the ceiling height increases by 0.3m, the lighting power density must increase by 2% to 3%.Partitions make the lighting power density increase by 12-19%.This research also proposes a chart method for quickly grasping the lighting power density. Users only need to determine the illuminance and the wattage of lights, and the number of lamps required can be calculated immediately by simple calculations.This study recommends 8-9W/m2 as the benchmark for the lighting power density.