The concept of preventive medicine has received increasing recognition from the public in recent years in Taiwan, and the trend in turn has led to a boom in the market of self-paid health examination, which is marked with the major advantage of allowing people to complete an array of medical examinations in a relatively short time without having to wait in queue for each outpatient visit. The initial aim of this monograph was to propose improvement measures for shortening the time of delivering health examination reports. However, it came to our attention that a health examination report could be so comprehensive that it overwhelmed its reader with a massive amount of information about examination results and recommendations. Readers may therefor experience difficulty in using the received report to arrange follow-up hospital visits and making personal health plans, thereby generating potential problems like repeated medical check-up and waste of personal time and medical resources. Therefore, in addition to accelerating delivery of health examination reports, the monograph related our practical experience in developing an improved management model striving to render health examination reports more user-friendly by establishing guidelines for building consensus among physicians and staff members to facilitate integration of report contents.