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Identification of Flooding Risk and Preventive Strategy to Cultural Heritage in Taiwan
作者 王价巨 (Jieh-Jiuh Wang)蔡寧又 (Ning-Yu Tsai)




The increasing frequency of natural disasters means that cultural heritage conservation must consider both the local environment and potential impact of extreme weather events. Most suggestions for disaster management regarding cultural heritage in Taiwan ignore the integrity of the environment, with the consequence being that many cultural heritage sites in Taiwan remain threatened by disaster events. Wang (2015) conducted the first mapping survey in Taiwan that concentrated on “static-structural risks” regarding cultural heritage. The present study continues the above one, with adopts a risk-identification perspective with flood as the main disaster type, and enlarges to a regional scale operation and analysis. This study analyzes the categories and amounts of cultural heritage that might suffer from disasters based on a geographic information system that integrates flooding susceptibility data with cultural heritage sites. Through searching the possible flooding causes and impact factors, hoping to provide the information serves to inform the measures of future risk mitigation and disasters reduction efforts. The results reveal that heavy rain is an important issue that needs to be addressed for cultural heritage. The sites most impacted by floods were as follows (most to least): historical buildings, municipal and county monuments, national monuments, and archaeological sites, whereas traditional settlements and cultural landscapes are not impacted. The reason these sites are not affected might be due to their altitudes or the local knowledge of those who built the sites. Changes in the local environment, such as land subsidence and terrestrialization, are also important factors that affect whether cultural heritage are affected by floods. In the future, for disaster management of cultural heritage, it is necessary to conduct cross-disciplinary professional integration and comprehensively use structural and non-structural disaster reduction measures to reduce the disaster vulnerability of cultural heritage and strengthen its resilience after considering regional and cultural heritage characteristics.


起訖頁 083-101
關鍵詞 文化資產風險管理風險地圖預防性保存水災Cultural HeritageRisk ManagementRisk MapPreventive ConservationFlood
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202012 (114期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 空間型構法介入古民居新增衛浴空間位置推測研究—以閩南蔡氏古民居「德棣厝」為例
該期刊-下一篇 森林景觀環境對創造力及情緒研究




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