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A Comparison of Stuttering and Non-Stuttering Children with Regard to Communication Attitude, Communication Anxiety and Ability to Adjust to School
作者 伍瑞瑜楊淑蘭
本研究之目的在(1)探討不同背景之口吃兒童在溝通態度、溝通焦慮與學校適應的差異;並比較不同背景之口吃兒童與一般兒童在前述三個依變項的差異,(2)探討教師評定口吃兒童之溝通焦慮與兒童自評之溝通焦慮是否有相關,(3)探討口吃兒童的口吃嚴重度、溝通態度與溝通焦慮之相關情形及前述三變項對其學校適應的預測情形。 研究結果如下:口吃兒童不論有無口吃家族史或接受治療與否在前述三個依變項上並無顯著差異;只有口吃嚴重度會影響口吃兒童的溝通態度與溝通焦慮,但不影響其學校適應,而重度口吃兒童的溝通態度和溝通焦慮為最差。不同年級或不同家庭社經地位的口吃兒童與一般兒童在前述三個依變項上也無顯著差異,只有口吃與否會影響前述三變項,口吃兒童在這三個依變項上較非口吃兒童為差。教師評定口吃兒童之溝通焦慮與兒童自評之溝通焦慮有顯著低相關。口吃兒童之口吃嚴重度、溝通態度、溝通焦慮之間皆為正相關,尤其以溝通態度與溝通焦慮之相關為最高;而同時以口吃嚴重度、溝通態度及溝通焦慮可有效預測口吃兒童之學校適應,預測力約為40﹪,但若單以其中任何一項則無法預測學校適應情形。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether: (1) stuttering in children affects their communication attitude, communication anxiety and the school adjustment capacity, in comparison to non-stuttering children and with regard to various background variables (stuttering severity, stuttering familial history, receiving therapy or not as well as grade in school and family's socio-economic status; (2) a high correlation exists between teacher-judged stuttering and communication anxieties as reported by stuttering children; (3) the severity of stuttering, communication attitude and communication anxiety of the stuttering children are closely related to each other, and whether the variables of stuttering severity, communication attitude and communication anxiety could predict stuttering children's ability to adjust to school. The results showed that a stuttering familial history and receiving or not receiving therapy had no significant effect on communication attitude, communication anxiety and school adjustment capacity for stuttering children. On the other hand, severity of stuttering impacted communication attitude and anxiety in proportion to the degree of severity. Severely stuttering children performed most poorly. The different background variables (grade of children and family social economic status of parents), however, seemed to have no significant relevance to the comparison of stuttering and non-stuttering children for any of these behaviors. Additionally, teachers tended to report a lower level of communication anxieties than did the children themselves. Severity of stuttering, communication attitude, and communication anxiety were of course significantly related to each other; the correlation between communication attitude and communication anxiety was highest. These three variables together clearly can significantly predict stuttering children's school adjustment capacity, but none of them can do so alone. Finally, the limitations of this study and suggestions for worthwhile future research were discussed.
起訖頁 93-120
關鍵詞 口吃兒童口吃嚴重度溝通態度溝通焦慮學校適應stuttering childrencommunication attitudecommunication anxietyschool adjustment capacityseverity of stutteringfamily historytherapy
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 200703 (32:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 文法手語構詞語句法特性對聾生詞義與句義理解的影響
該期刊-下一篇 學齡前自閉症兒童相互注意協調能力學習成效初探之研究




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