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Development of General Transition Skills Inventory and Performance Analyses for Senior High School Students with Disabilities
作者 林宏熾黃湘儀
本研究旨在探討高職身心障礙學生一般轉銜技能表現現況。採用調查研究法,以分層抽樣方式,抽取1027 位居住於台灣北、中、南、東各區之高職特殊教育學校(班)一至三年級身心障礙學生,以研究者自編之「身心障礙學生一般轉銜技能量表」為研究工具進行研究,所得資料經次數分配、多元逐步迴歸分析及變異數等統計分析。研究結果發現身心障礙學生於健康生活、居家自理及社會化向度之技能表現最佳,於金錢與生活管理與問題解決向度技能表現最感吃力。就一般轉銜技能相關因素而言,背景變項之障礙類別、障礙程度、家庭經濟、家長教育程度、父親職業等級與轉銜資訊來源多寡與量表總分有相關。就一般轉銜技能預測情形而言,分別有個人、家庭、教育、社區等十幾個變項,各具不同顯著性的預測力。就一般轉銜技能與背景變項之差異分析而言,除性別外,其餘變項均對一般轉銜技能表現造成影響。本研究並針對結果,提出對身心障礙學生相關轉銜服務之進一步研究與建議。
This study discusses the development of General Transition Skills Inventory (GTSI) and examines the current conditions and factors affecting general transition skills for senior high school students with disabilities in Taiwan. A survey using stratified clustered sampling with 1027 youth with disabilities was conducted by means of the GTSI in four regions of Taiwan: north, center, south, and east. Data were then analyzed according to frequency, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, and stepwise multiple regression. The results indicated GTSI had good qualities as a reliable and valid scale for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities ranked themselves highest in transition skills in health and life, domestic living, and socialization, whereas they thought that money, life management and problem-solving were their most needed skills. The type of disability, living area, socioeconomic status, parents' educational status, and resource of transition information all correlated with the score on the GTSI. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that variables related to students' personal status, family situation, educational situation, and social class were significantly correlated with their scores on the GTSI, with varying degrees of predictability. Except for the variable of gender, there were statistically significant mean differences between transition skill scores and most of variables related to students' personal status, family situation, and educational situation for these students with disabilities. Recommendations are offered concerning the implications of these findings for school policy, transition practices, and further research.
起訖頁 17-46
關鍵詞 高中職階段身心障礙學生轉銜技能轉銜評量一般轉銜技能量表general transition skillssenior high schoolstudents with disabilitiestransition assessmentGeneral Transition Skills Inventory
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 200706 (32:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 嬰幼兒綜合發展測驗之判定準確度及切截點分析
該期刊-下一篇 轉介前介入在學障鑑定之可行性研究:以原住民低成就國小學童為例




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