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A Study of English Literacy in Dyslexic Junior High School Students
作者 黃柏華洪儷瑜 (Li-Yu Hung)
本研究旨在探討國中讀寫障礙學生在英文讀寫字的表現,研究對象為台北縣市讀寫障礙學生和普通對照學生各39 名。本研究分為兩部份,主要發現如下:1、普通學生在中英文的讀寫字基本能力表現差距較小,讀寫障礙學生在中文和英文認字和聽寫測驗的表現皆有明顯的落差存在。2、中文認字測驗得分是普通學生在英文讀寫字能力表現的主要預測變項,中文聽寫測驗的得分是讀寫障礙學生在英文讀寫字表現的主要預測變項。3、普通學生英文的讀寫能力已非初步「辨識符號」階段,因此字母認讀和中文讀寫字得分無顯著相關,英文組字規則和假字認讀的得分與中文讀寫字測驗得分有顯著相關。讀寫障礙學生字母認讀和組字規則和中文認字有相關存在,三項英文讀寫字基礎技能都和中文聽寫有顯著相關存在。4、讀寫障礙學生在字母認讀、英文組字規則區辦和基本的音-形連結有明顯困難;普通學生在字母認讀已達天花板效應,絕大部分的普通學生具備英文組字規則的基本概念,能從英文真字的發音規則類化假字的發音增進文字解碼的能力。5、「假字認讀」是預測兩組學生在英文讀寫字表現最有效的變項。「英文組字規則」對於讀寫障礙學生在英文讀寫字表現的解釋量高於普通學生。而讀寫障礙學生可能未具備字母發音的知識,因此字母認讀不能作為讀寫障礙學生在英文讀寫字能力表現的預測指標。
The purpose of this study was to compare the English literacy of dyslexic students and matched students. Thirty-nine dyslexic junior high school students and thirty-nine matched students participated in this study, which was divided into two parts. The main findings of this research were as follows: 1. The matched group achieved a higher consistency between scores on the Chinese and English Literacy Test, while the dyslexic group performed very differently on the two tests with regard to recognizing Chinese and English words (reading) and being able to listen to them and then correctly write them (dictation). 2. For the matched group, the score for Chinese word recognition was the best predictor of English literacy. On the other hand, the Chinese dictation test scores were the best predictors of the dyslexic group's performance in English. 3. The English Literacy performance of the matched group are not at preliminary level, so their English Orthographic Rules Discriminating Test and English Pseudoword Reading Test was significantly correlated with their Chinese Literacy Test. For the dyslexic, the score of Letter Recognition Test and English Orthographic Rules Discriminating Test were significantly correlated with their Chinese Recognition Test. However, the Chinese Dictation Test had a significant correlation with all three tests of basic English literacy skills. 4. Dyslexic students failed to demonstrate an understanding of the basic English orthographic rules or letter-to-sound correspondence, and showed poor decoding skills in English. Almost all of the matched students were able to recognize the English letters, understand the basic rules of English orthography, and apply English real-word phonic rules to pseudo-words. 5. For both groups, the Pseudo-word Reading Test was the best predictor of English literacy. Compared to the matched group, the dyslexic group had a greater degree of variance on the English Orthographic Rules Discriminating Test. Because the dyslexic group might not have obtained the knowledge of letter sounds, the Letter Recognition Test could predict the matched students' but not the dyslexic students' performance on the English Literacy Test.
起訖頁 39-62
關鍵詞 讀寫障礙中文讀寫能力英文讀寫能力英文讀寫字基礎技能國中學生junior high school studentsdyslexiaChinese literacyEnglish literacybasic skills for English literacyword recognitionletter-sound correlationorthographic rules
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 200709 (32:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 二年級學童讀字相關認知因素及提取發音訊息的習字表現之探究
該期刊-下一篇 影響高中優秀學生寫作表現的因素分析




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