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Preliminary Study on the Model of “Environmentally Friendly” Behavior: A Case Study of College Students in Kaohsiung
作者 吳明峰邱靖蓉陳詠霖
由於污染與過度的資源消耗已造成不可回復的環境破壞,因此如何讓民眾改變生活型態、節省能源並減少廢棄物,深值探討。本研究參考Ajzen(1991)計畫行為理論和Seligman and Finegan(1990)節約能源與水資源模式,擬出一個預測採取環境友善行為意向的模式,並以176名國立中山大學學生為樣本進行測試。結果發現:態度、知覺到的行為控制與他人的關注會影響採取環境友善的行為意向。大學生覺得旁人越贊成採取環境友善行為,採取環境友善行為越簡單,以及態度越正面,越容易誘發行為。因此,未來政府若要鼓勵民眾採取環境友善行為,除了採取適當政策外,更要營造有利民眾採取友善行為的環境。
The way to change people's cognition and behavior is important to lower the emission of CO2 and pollution. This study applied Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB) and Seligman and Finegan's (1990) model of energy and water conservation to construct a model of environmental behavior. This study investigated 176 students in Sun-Yat Sen University. Clearly, the findings indicate that attitude (AT), perceived behavioral control (PBC) and perceived other people's attention (POA) have positive effects on the intention of environmental behavior. The result means that college students will conform to social desire and act environmentally. It finds that the more students recognize the environmentally friendly behavior, the more willing they are to perform the deed. According to the study, to enhance the public willingness of environmentally friendly behavior, the government has to create the environment for environmentally friendly in addition to taking adequate policy.
起訖頁 103-126
關鍵詞 環境友善行為計劃行為理論節約能源與水資源模式environmental behaviortheory of planned behaviormodel of energy and water conservation
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201009 (1:2期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 高雄市碳權管理模式之研究
該期刊-下一篇 城市突圍──台灣縣市長兩岸城市交往思維




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