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應用限制理論建構適性化高雄都會區的 成人數位學習系統
A Study of Applying TOC Construct Suitable Adult Digital Learning System to Kaohsiung City
作者 高義展
本文應用文獻分析的方法,探討限制理論的五大思維程序、三個問句與五項邏輯思考工具的方法與內涵;其次,探究數位學習的基本概念,並且分析成人參與數位學習的影響因素。最後提出善用限制理論的方法與工具 論證數位學習系統的發展趨向、應用剝削限制與提振限制達成破除系統限制、應用論述與對話爭取行政主管的支持與配合、設計良好優質的數位學習內容與議題吸引成人參與學習、高雄縣市行政組織可導入數位學習做為組織變革的重要議題、應用「自我導向學習」機制建構數位學習運作系統等方法,以形塑未來高雄都會區適性化成人數位系統,發揮學習力、培育創造力、落實執行力,以邁向美好的大高雄都會生活共榮圈。
The study applies the literature analysis, first of all, to discuss the five major thinking processes, three questions and five logic thinking tools of TOC method. The second is to probe into the basic concept of digital learning, and analyze the factors influencing the adults' participation in digital learning. Last not the least, the research aims to propose an e-learning operation system that provides methods and tools to well apply TOC method and to demonstrate the developmental trend of digital learning system, to apply exploiting constraints and elevate constraints for breaking the systematic constraints, to apply reference and dialog to earn supports of officials, and to design a high-quality contents and issues of e-learning to attract adults to participate. Kaohsiung should introduce digital learning as the main issue into organizational revolution, and adopt self-learning mechanism to construct digital learning operation. In the end, the fulfillments will shape future adult e-learning system in Kaohsiung metropolitan area for stepping toward to a glorious Kaohsiung community.
起訖頁 85-113
關鍵詞 限制理論數位學習成人教育TOCdigital learningadult education
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201003 (1:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 都市傳統街區火災安全策略之研究──以台南市赤崁文化園區為例
該期刊-下一篇 城市精神與價值──高雄世運城市靈魂與台南國際古都城市定位




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