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Fire-Safety Strategy for Urban Traditional Region: The Case of Provintia (Chih-Kan) Cultural Zone in Tainan City
作者 邵珮君
Traditional regions in urban cities usually have higher fire risk because of mixed land using and high density of old buildings without considering fire prevention. Such regions exist as a kind of potential danger threatening the city. Thus, how to reduce fire risk and to improve environment of these areas have become an important issue in urban disaster mitigation plan. Tainan city is an ancient city which developed in 17th Century. There are many traditional cultural treasures and old buildings located in the central part of city. In this research, the fire risk of Provintia (Chih-Kan) Cultural Area in Tainan city is chosen into discussion. The purpose of the research is to provide suggestions of fire safety management for this region. The methodology of this research includes literature review, field survey, simulation and questionnaire. Through field survey and fire spreading simulation, it is found that regional fire risk is related to several factors which are architectural materials, interval and density of the buildings, narrow streets, lack of firefighting installations, mixed-use land, local high-risk businesses, lack of education and firefighting managements. Besides, the results of questionnaire point out that residents are required to be strengthened the knowledge of firefighting. Moreover, the conservative attitude of residents is shown when they were asked to improve living quality for fire safety with sacrifice of personal benefit. Finally, seven suggestions for fire safety planning are suggested to Chih-Kan Cultural Zone which are: 1. Upgrading protection for building, 2. Ensuring disaster prevention routes, 3. Enhancing the fire-proof system of the business , 4. Upgrading safety usage for firefighting system, 5. Ensuring evacuation safety, 6. Setting up firefighting organization of community level, and 7. Implementing fire education.
起訖頁 57-84
關鍵詞 都市傳統街區火災延燒模擬防火規劃管理urban tradition regionfire-spreading simulationfire safety manage
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201003 (1:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 去界化與社區再生──縣市整併時社區軟治理初探
該期刊-下一篇 應用限制理論建構適性化高雄都會區的 成人數位學習系統




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