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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Developing an Instrument for Assessing College Students’ Attitude toward Science Writing |
作者 |
靳知勤 (Chi-Chin Chin) |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在藉發展「大學生對科學寫作態度量表」,做為了解大學生之科學寫作態度的工具。本研究經整理文獻後,歸納出「傾向與喜好」、「學到什麼」、「生涯發展覺知」三面向,以此發展量表初稿21 題。隨之,對某大學科學與語文主修209 名學生施測,經四次因素分析後,得到「傾向與喜好」5 題,「學到什麼」4 題,及「生涯發展覺知」4 題,共計13 題,解釋總變異量為63.40%。\r本量表另經內部一致性分析,亦顯示具良好的信度。本研究依不同主修及年級,進行統計分析,比較差異情況外,並提出本工具在教學規劃及學術研究應用上之討論。期以此基礎,協助大學生藉科學寫作發展轉化普及科學知識的能力。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for assessing college students’ attitudes toward science writing. In the beginning of the development, the review of literature was thoroughly done and three main dimensions — preference, what was learned, and career awareness — were generated for developing the individual test items. The primitive version containing 21 items was formed and then administered to 209 students with science or language/literature majors from a college. The valid responses were then analyzed by factor analysis. Through fourconsequent steps, the formal version consisting of three dimensions with 13 items was established. Moreover, the differences in the extent of students’ attitudes toward science writing were compared among the students with different majors and grade levels. Finally, recommendations were made for educators to use this instrument, and the possible studies in the future were discussed as well. |
起訖頁 |
113-140 |
關鍵詞 |
大學生、量表發展、科學寫作、科學素養、science writing、development of instrument、scientific literacy、college students |
刊名 |
課程與教學季刊 |
期數 |
200910 (12:4期) |
出版單位 |
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跨越藩籬-學校與社區協力連結的案例研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
大學學生學習取向與教學環境設計關聯性評估-以合作學習教學法為例 |