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作者 鄭瑞洲 (Jui-Chou Cheng)陳玫岑
國際調查研究發現,隨著就學年級增加,學生逐漸喪失其對學校學習熱忱,使其科學成就與興趣雙雙下滑,且我國學生表現「高成就伴隨低興趣」現象多年來一直存在。本研究旨在應用博物館及學校合作課程和教學影響高中生的科學學習,並探討此課程和教學對高成就及中成就學生影響之差異。本研究以「誘導性多功能幹細胞(Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell)」開發博物館與學校合作課程,並探討此課程和教學對高中生科學興趣及iPSC概念理解的影響及其因素,亦比較此課程和教學對學業高成就與中成就兩組學生影響之差異。本研究立意取樣高中一年級103位學生分為高成就組及中成就組學生為研究對象。教學前後,學生填寫「科學興趣量表」及「iPSC概念理解問卷」蒐集量化數據,以相依樣本t檢定及單因子共變數分析此課程和教學對學生的科學學習之影響,並蒐集課後學生填寫「學習單」及「心得報告」文本,進行內容分析課程和教學對學生科學學習之影響因素。結果發現,一、課程和教學提升兩組高中學生的科學興趣及iPSC概念理解,且高成就組優於中成就組學生。二、兩組高中學生感知課程和教學有差異性的影響因素以提升其科學興趣及iPSC概念理解,高成就組學生能感知課程和教學有較高的影響因素出現次數,以提升其科學興趣及iPSC概念理解,優於中成就組學生。最後,本研究亦提出館校合作課程和教學提升學生科學學習之課程設計及教學實務建議。
International surveys and studies have found that as the grades increase, students gradually lose their enthusiasm for school learning, causing their scientific achievements and interest to decline, and the phenomenon of ''high achievement accompanied by low interest'' among students has been existed. The aim of this study explored applying museum-schools collaborative courses and teaching to enhance senior high school students' science learning, and further to explore the impact on high-achieving students. This study developed museum-schools cooperative courses with the theme of ''induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)'' scientific research, and explores the impact on senior high school students' scientific interests including situational interests and personal interests, iPSC concepts understanding and related influencing factors, and the difference between academically high-achieving and middle-achieving students after courses teaching. The courses were taught for 103 students of grade 10 high school including 54 students in the high achievement group and 49 students in the middle achievement group as the research samples. Before and after courses teaching, students filled in the ''Scale of Science Interest'' and ''Questionnaire of iPSC Concept Understanding'' to collect quantitative data, and used paired t test and ANCOVA to analyzed the impact of courses and teaching on students' science learning, especially for high-achieving students. Then, we collected texts of students filled in the ''Learning Sheet'' and ''Experience Report'' after courses teaching, and conducted a qualitative content analysis of above texts for influencing factors to enhance students' science learning. The results found that: 1) Courses and teaching could enhance students' scientific interest and iPSC concepts understanding, and high achievement group students are better than middle achievement group students. 2) Students perceived the different influencing factors of courses and teaching to enhance their scientific interest and iPSC concepts understanding, and high achievement group students are better than middle achievement group students. This study also gave some suggestions on museum-schools cooperative courses design and teaching practice to enhance students' science learning.
起訖頁 67-100
刊名 科技博物  
期數 202409 (28:3期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 科技博物館簡易地震儀在國中自然領域跨學科課程的實施與成效之研究




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