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The purpose of this study was to develop an informal chemistry course to promote concept understanding and situational interest towards chemical elements among students from upper grade elementary school to second grade junior high school, and to further investigate the factors of situational interest. The Periodic Table of the Elements was used as the learning theme in this study, and the participants were 36 students from senior elementary school to second grade of junior high school in a 6-hour informal chemistry summer camp held at the museum, including 9 students in fifth grade, 13 students in sixth grade, 11 students in seventh grade, and 3 students in eighth grade. Before and after course and teaching, the participants filled out the“Questionnaire of Concept Understanding toward Chemical Elements”and the“Scale of Situational Interest”to understand the impact on participants’conceptual understanding of elements and situational interest. After teaching, the participants filled out the“Questionnaire of Course and Teaching Perception”for the investigation of factors that promote the participants’conceptual understanding in this summer camp. According to the results of this study, we conclude that the teaching of informal chemistry course can enhance concept understanding and situational interest towards chemical elements for students from upper grade elementary school to second grade junior high school. The factors that promote students’situational interest towards chemical elements is the ability to do hands-on activities, followed by feeling happy, learning meaningfully, being able to explore freely, and feeling a sense of accomplishment.
起訖頁 5-34
刊名 科技博物  
期數 202409 (28:3期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-下一篇 科技博物館簡易地震儀在國中自然領域跨學科課程的實施與成效之研究




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