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作者 邱學志
魏氏兒童智力量表(Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children,簡稱WISC)是具有完整智力結構和理論的黃金標準測驗。學習障礙為異質性高的群體,透過前人研究可發現其在WISC-Ⅳ中之特殊表現。但隨著WISC-V的出版,本研究以一位技術型高中學習障礙(亞型為閱讀和書寫)的研究參與者在WISC-V測驗上之表現,透過前人文獻來分析,發現其全量表智商表現屬於中下,與過去學障研究的整體智力樣本較一般學生低是相符的;分測驗上在類同、常識、算術、記憶廣度、圖畫廣度和數字序列等分測驗分數均低,但卻在圖形等重為強項;主要指數表現上視覺空間、流體推理表現為佳而在工作記憶和處理速度為低;另外透過選擇性指數分析可知研究參與者在聽覺工作記憶、非語文、一般能力、認知效能表現為低,但數量推理相對較佳,顯示研究參與者具有內在顯著差異。是以本研究建議,除了注意學障者的整體智力表現外,更要注意各分測驗及優勢能力以及參酌多元資訊,透過選擇性指數也能補足主要指數分數判斷的不足,並給予教學上發揮優勢能力的機會。
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC) is a goldstandard tool with a complete intelligence structure and theory. Students with learning disabilities are a highly heterogeneous group, and previous research has revealed their specific performance on the WISC-IV. With the publication of the WISC-V, this study analyzed the performance of a high school student with a learning disability (subtype: reading and writing) on the WISC-V through the previous literature and found that the case's FIQ was in the low to moderate range. This is consistent with previous studies of learning disability in which the FIQ sample was lower than the average student. The scores of SI, IN, AR, DS, PS, and LN were low, but the scores of FW were strong; the performance of VSI and FRI were good while the performance of WMI and PSI were low. In addition, the analysis of the selective indices showed that the case had low performance in AWMI, CPI, GAI, and NVI, but relatively good performance in QRI, which indicated that the cases had significant inherent differences. Therefore, this study suggests that besides paying attention to the overall intellectual performance of the students with learning disability, it is also important to pay attention to each subtest and strength and to adopt diversified information.
起訖頁 25-36
刊名 特殊教育季刊  
期數 202309 (168期)
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 學前融合教育之跨專業團隊合作實務探討
該期刊-下一篇 以學習共同體為特殊學生班級經營之教學法的實務經驗分享




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