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Mr. Kobayashi Hideo's book ''The Manchurian Railway Investigation Department'' was published by Kodansha in 2015. This introductory book explains the establishment of the Investigation Department of the South Manchurian Railway Company (a.k.a. Mantetsu). Mr. Kobayashi has authored numerous studies on the South Manchurian Railway, such as ''The Birth and Death of the Intellectual Group of Manchukuo'' and ''The Trajectory of the Manchurian Railway Investigation Department.'' This book focuses on describing how the Investigation Department of the South Manchuria Railway gradually became an ''think tank'' and its continued influence on various aspects of Japanese politics and economy after the war. This article provides a brief overview of the book's chapters and background, followed by a commentary on its strengths and weaknesses. In the commentary section, a comparative analysis will be made with related works by the same author or other authors, aiming to enhance readers' interest in research or reading.
起訖頁 115-124
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 202405 (11期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 蔣中正與張其昀文化學院創校關聯性之初探




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