英文摘要 |
The formation of special education policy is based on legislation, consensus, and tradition. Among them, the legislation is of particular importance. The connotation of special education policy includes conception, value, goal, organization, program, identification, placement, curriculum, teacher education, support system, etc. The policy, as illustrated in and protected by legislation, is rooted in humanitarianism and social needs. Any educational policy could be analyzed by underlying theory, historical tradition, international trends of thought, and social reality. Take the USA as an example; to realize equal educational opportunity and ensure quality national education, Congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) in 1975. The Act, viewed as a standard, ensures zero rejection, an individualized education program (IEP), and the least restricted environment (LRE), for children with disabilities. In addition, nondiscriminatory assessment, due process, and parent involvement be implemented. The basic guidelines of the Act are followed up to now. In Taiwan, the formation of special education policy is closely related to the development context of special education. It is jointly influenced by local culture and international trends of thought. It is synchronous with global trends in many aspects, such as educational administration, right protection, service object, educational placement, curriculum design, teacher education, and support system. Of course, there are some local characteristics in these aspects. |