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This article focuses on two main aspects. Firstly, it reexamines J. Y. Interpretation No.785. This article utilizes literature analysis to explore the historical situation and rights protection of civil servants, evaluating the value and implications of J. Y. Interpretation No.785. In the multifaceted exploration of the interpretation and practical implementation of J. Y. Interpretation No.785, the question arises: has the special power relationship genuinely ceased to be unique?
Secondly, the article analyzes and compares the perspectives of the Civil Service interpretation Education Protection and Training Commission and judicial practice. Through literature analysis and case studies from the Judicial Yuan, it examines the Personnel Administrative Action List and compares it with judicial practices in terms of rights remedies scope. The goal is to assess the reasonability and alignment with the values of judicial practice and J. Y. Interpretation No.785.
Lastly, the article combines legal analysis with administrative management viewpoints. From the perspective of public human resource management, it presents research conclusions and proposes concrete boundaries for rights limitations and practical suggestions. These recommendations aim to assist future personnel administrators in adapting to the new era of special power relationships.
起訖頁 121-157
刊名 國家發展研究  
期數 202406 (23:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學國家發展研究所
該期刊-上一篇 橫山書法藝術館的永續發展策略分析以「未究之境──書法中的客家敘事」展覽為例




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