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作者 吳君倪李姵萱徐淑金
Smoking is an important risk factor for stroke. However, the issue of smoking cessation is often overlooked in the acute treatment of stroke. The average referral rate of smoking cessation among stroke patients from July to December 2021 was only 59.0%. Therefore, we hope to improve the referral rate of smoking cessation patients through this program. Investigating the referral experience of 25 nurses, 31 physicians, a nurse practitioner and a case manager in the ward, which found the main reasons for the low rate of referrals were analyzed as follows: referrals were not required by the facility and the referral process was not publicized; physicians and nurses were not aware of the referral window, the benefits of referrals for patients, lack of smoking cessation training, forgetfulness of referrals; and main managers had difficulty in proactively identifying patients who met the eligibility criteria. Improvement measures include: revising the standard process for referrals of smoking cessation and producing posters to publicize the process, proactively searching for cases through reports, and organizing in-service education. As a result of these measures, from June to December 2022, 42 stroke patients in the ward met the referral criteria, and 41 of them were actually referred. The smoking cessation referral rate increased to 97.6% and remained at 98.9% during the period of effect maintenance.
起訖頁 585-594
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202409 (28:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 生酮飲食的廣泛應用及精準醫療
該期刊-下一篇 重症肌無力的疾病負擔




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