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生酮飲食最著名的療效是治療難治性癲癇。事實上,隨著使用經驗的累積和對其作用機制的科學研究,已經證明生酮飲食可以應用於治療或控制各種其他疾病和優化生理狀況。像是葡萄糖運輸蛋白1缺乏症(glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome)這樣的疾病,因為是葡萄糖在血腦屏障的運輸缺陷,所以是生酮飲食治療的典型例子。此外,根據能量利用模式,其他各種情況也被認為可借助生酮飲食進行輔助治療,包括腦部膠質瘤、肥胖和體重控制,以及運動生理學應用等,都有許多科學研究的支持。通過提供不同的體內能源選擇,生酮飲食在治療或改善其他疾病方面,具有顯著的潛力。然而,在使用之前,了解潛在的副作用或禁忌症,並遵循規律且安全的實施,對於建立生酮飲食的最佳治療效果至關重要。
The most famous therapeutic effect of the ketogenic diet is the treatment of refractory epilepsy. In fact, with the accumulation of usage experience and scientific research on its mechanism of action, it has been proven that the ketogenic diet can be applied to treat or control various other diseases and optimize physiological conditions. Diseases such as Glucose Transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome, which is a typical example of ketogenic diet therapy due to the defect in glucose transport at the blood-brain barrier. In addition, based on energy utilization patterns, various other conditions are also considered to be amenable to adjunctive therapy with the ketogenic diet, including brain gliomas, obesity and weight control, and applications in exercise physiology, all supported by numerous scientific studies. By providing different options for intra-body energy, the ketogenic diet has significant potential in treating or improving other diseases. However, understanding potential side effects or contraindications is crucial before use. Following a regular and safe implementation is essential for establishing the best therapeutic effects of the ketogenic diet.
起訖頁 578-584
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202409 (28:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 靜脈型生酮飲食於臨床神經疾病的應用
該期刊-下一篇 提升神經內科病房腦中風病人戒菸轉介率




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