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台、美、日三國公務人員俸給制度之比較分析   全文下載 全文下載
A Comparative Analysis of Civil Service Pay System among Taiwan, the USA, and Japan
作者 莊碩漢林牧之 (Mu-chih Lin)
In the era of globalization, the government itself can be compared to a corporation, which needs to command its bureaucracy to implement its policies in order to compete with other nations on the global stage. Just as it is essential for a corporation to provide reasonable stipend to attract new talents, for a state to prosper, it is important for it to realize the need to provide attractive stipend for it to recruit new bureaucrats.
Similar to other nations, since the turn of the century, Taiwan also has been reinventing government. The administration must take both absorbing new talents and the overall economic performance of the state into account. While having the two dogma in mind, it ought to arrive at new policies to balance the bureaucrat’s stipends to bring it to par with private enterprises to thereby arrive at an equalized, institutionalized, and normalized payment system. While this is the case in both the United States and Japan, Taiwan has limitations stemming from long term structural impediments that make it incapable of immediately adapting other nations’approach. In other parts, such as the establishment of salary schedule and performance-based pay, Taiwan also has the same difficult position.
Finally, with this article analyzing the civil service pay systems of the United States and Japan, it is in hopes to be a reference to Taiwan’s reform pay system.
起訖頁 1-9
關鍵詞 政府再造俸給制度績效俸給制度俸給調整reinventing governmentcivil service pay ystemperformance-based payadjusting civil service pay system
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200707 (51期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 我國公務人員俸給與福利制度相關議題之分析




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