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涉及國家安全或重大利益公務人員品德及忠誠查核法規範之探討   全文下載 全文下載
Research on the Regulation Related to National Security and Grand Interest by Checking the Character and Loyalty of the Civil Servant
作者 王文忠
It is a basic and independent obligation for the civil servant that obeying to the country, the law and order of constitution with loyalty. On the basis of freedom and democracy in a law and order country, the authority should prevent the destroyer from governing fate of a country as well as check the character and loyalty of the civil servant necessarily.
Fundamentally, the civil servant will be interfered and aggrieved the essential right when the commission is checked by the government authority. It would be written remarks giving some analyzing and discussing on the relation of protecting the privacy and checking the character and loyalty of the civil servant, the regulation and examining about national security and grand interest by checking the character and loyalty of the civil servant, and examining the regulation about the characteristic and loyal obligation of the civil servant, etc for discerning balanced statement between protecting the essential right of constitution and national security & grand interest. At the meantime, it will criticize and advance the amendment to“the draft of checking the civil servant related to national security and grand interest act”. We hope to achieve the balanced statement assured between protecting the right of privacy & free communicate of the civil servant and national security & grand interest.
起訖頁 120-152
關鍵詞 國家安全重大利益品德及忠誠忠誠義務查核National securityGrand interestCharacter and loyaltyObligation of loyaltyCheck
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200607 (47期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 我國公務員行政倫理規範之探討




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