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公務人員核心價值與行政倫理   全文下載 全文下載
Core Values of Civil Servants and Administrative Ethics
作者 蔡良文
Due to that civil servants represent the government externally and provide high quality services, it is indispensable for a civil servant both to treat people with attitudes of fairness, selflessness, equality and honesty, and to serve people’s need with proactiveness, creativity, neutrality and the ability to cope with emergency. As a result from that currently while performing missions, a civil servant often has to act based on their own concepts of values as well as in accordance with applicable provisions of laws, or even have to take into account whether it is in conformation with factors such as public welfare, administrative procedures etc, in order to take the most appropriate step to deal with any concrete cases. We should give weight to and discuss how a civil servant should do to redress and continue the implementation of both the administration system in pursuant to laws and debureaucratisation to promote the core values of institutions, and functions and energy of civil servant system in determining the actions of execution and ethical values.
In our view, there should be a higher level of loyalty to nation, integrity and the judging standard on incorporating administrative ethics into administrative neutrality on the core values of innovation, aggressiveness and specialty specified by Executive Yuan to consolidate the social administrative ethics concepts of fairness and justice. Hence, we now live in a time of chaos, also a time of achievement when social disorder phenomena are caused due to the confusion of value concepts and that the concepts of ethics are becoming feebler and feebler day by day. Although there is still room to discuss the statement above, the statement does point out the significance of concepts of both values and ethics. Consequently, a civil servant shall be loyal to both nation and people based on the Constitutional spirits and national interest to consolidate the connection between core values and administrative ethics and then to further maintain harmony in society and promote the benefits of people by establishing right core values and ethical concepts.
起訖頁 16-43
關鍵詞 國家利益國家忠誠核心價值核心能力行政中立行政倫理national interestloyalty to nationcore valuescore abilitiesadministrative neutralityadministrative ethics
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200607 (47期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 價值領導與公務人員核心價值
該期刊-下一篇 組織發展技術在公務人員核心價值推動之應用




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