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行政程序制度中之當事人協力義務   全文下載 全文下載
The Collaboration Duty of the Party Concerned in the Administrative Procedure
作者 陳愛娥
In Taiwan, dealing with legal substantive relationships between the administrative body and persons used to be more emphasized for a long term in administrative laws and administrative practices. Discussion about the collaboration duty of the party concerned in the administrative procedure is the expression of underlining the real meaning of it in the administrative procedure.‘The collaboration duty in tax collection procedure’comes the initiation to explore‘the collaboration duty of the party concerned in the administrative procedure’in our country; therefore, the study would like to start from that in the tax collection process and examine the general inspiration which it can provide. Whether the collaboration duty of the party concerned has the similar content in procedural laws of other administrative realm is subsequently observed. The Study will also include the legal effect of violating the collaboration duty of the party concerned in Administrative Procedural Act and the particular legal meaing of ''the collaboration of the party concerned'' in the so-called‘cooperative administrative procedure’.
起訖頁 169-186
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200510 (44期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 從美國經驗探討國家考試性別限制問題




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