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新世紀考選體制變革之檢視評估   全文下載 全文下載
Review and Evaluation of Examination System Revolution in the New Century
作者 蔡良文
組織人力管理首要進行策略分析及工作分析,認定組織發展及業務推動必須的「核心能力」(core competency),而後進行人力的選、訓、留、用等管理,以確保組織能具備所需核心能力。在上世紀末考選體制之運作與改革,除了配合考選部部長個人施政理念與方針提出外,大致上均能依第九屆施政綱領之總綱推動執行;諸如落實憲定之公開競爭考試用人精神,配合政府再造之施政方針,並對考試方式之彈性化調整,考試試務之科學化、資訊化之改進。至於對原住民族、身心障礙人員之應考試服公職等,均依序推動。本文首先乃就新世紀初執政黨對考選施政情形略以析述,其主要不同者,諸如89年起擬推動公務人員專業證照制度及以行政法人方式推動試題研究中心等,94年起推動建置e化題庫、網路報名、推動知識管理、提昇專業知能等。再者,進一步提出考選體制有關之組織調整、法制整建、考試信度與效度之提昇、授能與分權化政策之推動、弱勢團體權益之照護、以及考選風波處理等議題之檢視評估與建言,並請方家指正。
The strategic analysis and job analysis are the first and most important for human resource management of an organization, to affirm the core competency necessary for organization development and business promotion, and then carry out management of selecting, training, retaining and employment of human resources, so that organizations can possess the core competency that it requires. During the last century, the implementation and revolution of examination system is to follow the general programs of the 9th policy guideline to promote and execute, in addition to cooperating with the individual administrative belief and policy of the Minister of Examination. For instance, to put into practice the employment through public competition and examination as prescribed in the Constitution, and also flexibly adjust examination methods based on the administrative policies of government restructure furthermore, improve towards a more scientific and computerized general service for the examination. Concerning aborigines and the disabled, these policies are promoted in order. This article first gives a brief description on the administrative situation of examination by the governing party, and the main differences include the professional certification system for civil servants planed to be promoted since 2000 and also examination questions study center via Corporatization, e-questions pool, Internet registration, promotion of knowledge management, improvement of professional skills etc. staring from 2005. Furthermore, there are also examination system related reorganization, legal reformation, improvement on examination reliability and validity, promotion of empowerment policy, protection of weak groups’rights, and handling of examination disputes etc. topics for review, evaluation and recommendations, in addition, it also invites further comments.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 教考訓用績效導向核心能力平等就業機會信度效度政府再造專業證照Educationexaminationtrainingand employmentPerformance orientedCore competencyEqual employment opportunitiesReliabilityValidityGovernment restructure Professional certification
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200504 (42期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 全球競爭下的高級文官新制構想




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