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彈性精簡的行政組織--行政院組織法修正草案評析   全文下載 全文下載
Establish Flexible and Streamlining Administrative Organizations-The Draft Amendments to Organizational Act of the Executive Yuan
作者 葉俊榮
In order to improve global competitiveness and social transformation, Taiwan government has been developing a drive of reinventing government; and wishes to realize a small but efficient government. The adjustment of organizational structure and function become the main issue in the reformation process. From the perspective of building flexible government, this article focuses on the Draft Amendments to Organizational Act of the Executive Yuan, including its context and process, aim and strategy, expected results and future development.
This article provides theory and practice approach to analyze the Draft Amendments. In theory approach, we use the model of“the flexible government”as the analytical base, which is emphasized the institutional capacity building by getting rid of permanent budgets and organizations with contract work. In practice approach, this article applies other countries’experience and reviews our government functions and the spirit of“the Organic Standard Law of the Central Government Agencies”
In response to the change of the social and economic environment, the Organic Standard Law of the Central Government Agencies was divided into four parts. The core responsibilities and functions of the original eight ministries can be restructured and reinforced; five new ministries will be built to meet new challenge and societal needs; and the four cross-ministerial commissions will be created to integrate and coordinate various policies. Most important of all, the Amendments emphasize the leadership of Executive Yuan headquarters through upgrading decision-making level. If Legislative Yuan could pass the Amendments, the government will be easier to create mechanism that can reply the rising social and economic issues and control the scale of public spending. At last, the Amendments will be help to clarify the role of government and expended the functionality and efficiency of the government.
起訖頁 13-34
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200501 (41期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 基準法制定與政府改造
該期刊-下一篇 論政府改造中考試院職能調整之研析




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