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基準法制定與政府改造   全文下載 全文下載
Government Reform and the Enactment of the Basic Law Governing Central Government Agency Reorganization
作者 林嘉誠
For a long time, criticism from different social segments of our nation regarding governmental organization has centered on a few recurring themes, including its relative inflexibility, its superfluous divisions with vague definitions of the authorities and responsibilities of each agency, the complicated process and excessive time required for policy-making, as well as inefficiency in response to the changing external environment. The criticism indicates the citizens’concerns for and demands on improvement in managing the central government and its organizations. Considering, in particular, the steep competition and performance pressure of global economy Taiwan is concurrently facing, the government needs to be able to readjust itself both functionally and structurally, thus to meet the expectations of the citizens as well as the international communities in dealing with the tasks of efficient and effective governmental operations. Besides reflecting on the loopholes in the current organizational pattern of our government, the present article offers a succinct overview of the background, process, and strategies adopted in governmental reform that has been embarked on since the lift of the martial law rule in 1987. In addition, the article outlines the preliminary blueprint for government reorganization, including the enactment of three Organization Acts (the Amendment to the Organization Law of the Executive Yuan, the Basic Law Governing Central Government Agency Reorganization, and the Law for Staff Quota for Central Government Agencies) and the establishment of administrative legal person status for independent government agencies. The article concludes with a topical discussion of some anticipated challenges related to the reorganization project.
起訖頁 1-12
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200501 (41期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 彈性精簡的行政組織--行政院組織法修正草案評析




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