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Research on Frequency Value Setting for Application of Stroboscopic Technology in Portrait Photography
作者 胡齊元
頻閃攝影(Stroboscopic Photography)在人像攝影創作上擴展了攝影的技術範疇,帶來更豐富、更生動、更具表現力的人像攝影作品。這種技術的發展為攝影師提供了突破傳統的可能性,同時豐富了觀眾對人像攝影藝術的鑑賞體驗。頻閃攝影的技術不僅在於影像效果的提升,更在於促使攝影領域的不斷創新和進步。頻閃攝影必需透過多次閃光的凝結捕捉人物移動的軌跡,形成一張影像中有多個瞬間動作和表情的合成效果,呈現更豐富的敘事性和動態感。頻閃攝影在人像創作上雖然帶來豐富表現,卻面臨許多困難。首先,攝影師需掌握閃光頻率(Hz)和時間,頻率值的設定會影響拍攝結果,除此之外搭配高速同步的相機和閃光燈以及場景的控管,才能夠拍攝出理想的畫面。本研究針對人像攝影應用頻閃技術有關頻率值設定,透過實驗設計得到了以下的成果:在「定點模式」下,1Hz連續動作重疊度較不明顯但主角清晰,畫面的節奏感尚可,整體影像流暢度不足;增加至2Hz時連續動作重疊度分明而主角仍維持清晰,畫面的節奏感明顯提升,整體影像流暢度尚可;增加至3Hz時連續動作重疊度逐次分明,主角依然保持清晰,畫面的節奏感更為順暢;來到4Hz時整體表現不佳,因此定點拍攝以2Hz至3Hz較能表現畫面的節奏感並維持人物的清晰度。另一項「移動模式」下,1Hz連續動作重疊度分明而主角清晰,畫面的節奏感適中,整體影像流暢度尚可;增加至2Hz時連續動作重疊度依然分明而主角仍保持清晰,畫面的節奏感優異,整體影像流暢度完美;增加至3Hz時連續動作重疊度過高略顯複雜,主角開始模糊,畫面的節奏感平順,整體影像流暢度尚可;來到4Hz時整體表現不如預期,因此移動拍攝建議以1Hz至2Hz較能夠掌握畫面的節奏又不失整體性。
Stroboscopic Photography expands the technical scope of photography in the creation of portrait photography, bringing richer, more vivid, and more expressive portrait photography. The development of this technology provides photographers with the possibility to break through tradition, while enriching the audience's appreciation experience of the art of portrait photography. The technology of stroboscopic photography not only improves the image effect, but also promotes continuous innovation and progress in the field of photography. Stroboscopic photography must capture the movement of characters through the condensation of multiple flashes, forming a composite effect of multiple instantaneous movements and expressions in one image, presenting a richer narrative and dynamic sense. Although stroboscopic photography brings rich expressions in portrait creation, it faces many difficulties. First of all, photographers need to master the flash frequency (Hz) and time. The setting of the frequency value will affect the shooting results. In addition, with high-speed synchronization of cameras and flashes and scene control, only the ideal picture can be captured. This study focuses on the frequency value setting of the stroboscopic technology for portrait photography. Through experimental design, the following results were obtained: In the ''fixed-point mode'', the overlap of 1Hz continuous actions is less obvious, but the protagonist is clear, and the rhythm of the picture is acceptable. , the overall image fluency is insufficient; when it is increased to 2Hz, the overlap of the continuous actions is clear and the protagonist remains clear, the rhythm of the picture is significantly improved, and the overall image fluency is acceptable; when it is increased to 3Hz, the overlap of the continuous actions is clear and the protagonist remains clear Clear, the rhythm of the picture is smoother; when it comes to 4Hz, the overall performance is not good, so fixed-point shooting at 2Hz to 3Hz can better express the rhythm of the picture and maintain the clarity of the characters. In another ''Mobile Mode'', at 1Hz, the overlap of continuous actions is clear and the protagonist is clear, the rhythm of the picture is moderate, and the overall image smoothness is acceptable; when it is increased to 2Hz, the overlap of continuous actions is still clear and the protagonist remains clear, and the picture is smooth. The sense of rhythm is excellent, and the overall image fluency is perfect; when it is increased to 3Hz, the continuous action overlap is too high and it becomes slightly complicated, and the protagonist begins to blur, the rhythm of the picture is smooth, and the overall image fluency is acceptable; when it is increased to 4Hz, the overall performance is not as expected. Therefore, it is recommended to use 1Hz to 2Hz for mobile shooting to better grasp the rhythm of the picture without losing the integrity.
起訖頁 92-98
關鍵詞 頻閃攝影人像攝影閃光頻率Stroboscopic TechnologyFrequency ValuePortrait Photography
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
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該期刊-下一篇 影響平版冷燙品質關鍵因素之研究──以包裝盒防偽設計為例




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