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A Color Quality Study of a Wide-Gamut Inkjet Printer
作者 孫競新戴孟宗林政榮
隨著科技進步,數位印刷技術已成熟穩健,印刷製程也持續科技進化,應用範圍更加廣泛已成商業印刷運用趨勢潮流,因此印刷輸出品質顯然成為商業印刷極為重視環節,其中色彩的表現能力就是最重要也極具挑戰的項目。廣色域噴墨印表機的穩定、快速與高印刷輸出品質特性為其在數位印刷領域中占有重要地位,而更重要的是其色域與色彩精準度之色彩表現能力,因此本研究針對廣色域影像繪圖機使用相片紙輸出之色彩表現能力探討與分析,研究結果顯示執行色彩管理能大幅降低色差,另外對應Pantone Formula Guide 4.0 Coated色票之色彩覆蓋率高達93.17%,極佳的輸出色彩表現能力對於有大量需求的商業打樣來說是具有很大優勢,不僅提供更有效率與高品質的打樣品給予客戶,也能縮短印刷流程對於輸出色彩表現的溝通時程。
With the advancement of technology, digital printing has become mature and robust, while printing processes continue to evolve with technological advancements. Its application scope has expanded widely, making it a trend in commercial printing. Consequently, the quality of print output has become a crucial aspect for commercial printing, with color performance being the most important and challenging element. The stability, speed, and high print output quality characteristics of wide-gamut inkjet printers are essential in the digital printing field. Moreover, their color gamut and color accuracy are critical in color performance. Therefore, this study focuses on investigating and analyzing the color performance of wide-gamut image graphic printers when using photo paper for output. The research findings indicate that implementing color management can significantly reduce color differences. Additionally, the color coverage rate, as per the Pantone Formula Guide 4.0 Coated color chart, reaches as high as 93.17%. This outstanding output color performance is highly advantageous for commercial proofing with high-volume requirements. It not only provides more efficient and high-quality proofs to customers but also shortens the communication timeframe for output color performance in the printing process.
起訖頁 21-32
關鍵詞 色彩管理色彩表現能力Pantone色彩Color ManagementColor Performance CapabilityPantone Color
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 高階影像繪圖機色彩描述檔與閉環式輸出打樣色彩品質研究
該期刊-下一篇 以碳排數據探討印刷色彩標準化與減碳的關係




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