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A Print Color Quality Study of High-End Image Graphics Printer with ICC Profile vs. Closed-Loop Workflow
作者 劉晉源戴孟宗林政榮
數位印刷技術隨著科技迅速發展,高階影像繪圖機穩定的品質與快速輸出的優勢也為商業印刷帶來更多的策略運用與商機,尤其商業印刷打樣需求的增長凸顯客戶對於產品輸出品質的重視,而色彩能否忠實複製呈現顯然成客戶最在意的環節。本研究以高階影像繪圖機做研究分析,其導入多色墨水且使用更精密的微噴噴頭,並使用閉環色彩校準輸出在相片紙上與ISO 15339-CRPC6商業平版印刷銅版類紙標準印刷色票比較,量測平均色差值ΔE2000為1.00,表示使用閉環色彩校準輸出於相片紙上能精準複製色彩。閉環色彩校準即是透過Device-Link ICC Profile加上重覆輸出修色功能,在輸出過程中不斷重覆校正ICC Profile色彩描述檔,能即時反饋調整墨量,保持色彩的穩定性與一致性,達到精確的色彩管理結果,而使用閉環色彩校準能自動重覆修色與調節墨水兩大優勢能保持色彩的穩定性與一致性,能有更佳的色彩輸出品質呈現,不僅達到精確的色彩管理、提升工作效能及降低人力、時間成本的優越條件,非常適用於對色彩品質極為要求的商業印刷打樣。
With the rapid advancement of technology, digital printing has emerged as a prominent option in the commercial printing industry, offering stable quality and rapid output advantages. Particularly, the increasing demand for commercial printing proofs highlights customers' em-phasis on product output quality, with color fidelity being a crucial aspect. This study focuses on high-end image graphics printers for research analysis. These printers employ multi-color inks and more precise micro-jet print heads, alongside closed-loop color calibration to output on photo paper. A comparison was made with ISO 15339-CRPC6 commercial lithographic printing copperplate paper standard color charts. The average color difference valueΔE2000 was measured at 1.00, indicating accurate color reproduction when using closed-loop color cali-bration for output on photo paper. Closed-loop color calibration utilizes Device-Link ICC Profiles coupled with iterative output color correction, continually adjusting ICC Profile color description files during the output process. This enables real-time feedback to adjust ink levels, ensuring color stability and consistency, thus achieving precise color management results. The automated iterative color correction and ink adjustment features of closed-loop color calibration maintain color stability and consistency, resulting in superior color output quality. This not only achieves precise color management but also enhances workflow efficiency and reduces labor and time costs, making it highly suitable for commercial printing proofs where stringent color quality is required.
起訖頁 12-20
關鍵詞 色彩管理色彩品質閉環校準Color ManagementColor qualityClosedLoop Color Calibration
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 條件等色色樣在不同標準光源下之色差範圍評估
該期刊-下一篇 廣色域印表機輸出色彩表現能力之研究




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