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地方議會分配政治網絡分析:以南投縣第17與18屆議員提案為例   全文下載 全文下載
Social Network Analysis of Distributive Politics in Local Councils: An Example of the 17th and 18th Nantou County Council
作者 簡子文林晏生張浩也孫同文 (Tung-Wen Sun)
How does power project itself in distributive politics? Few studies on this topic have been done in the research of Taiwan’s Legislature, and even fewer on the distribution politics of local councils. Could the factors that affect the distributive politics of the national parliament properly explain the power operation of local councils? It remains to be further explored. Therefore, this study examines the power operation network of local councils in distributing political proposals based on constituencies, political parties, seniority of parliamentarians, and degree of competition in election campaigns, which are important factors that affect the parliament’s distribution politics.
First, it is found through statistical verification that none of these factors can effectively explain the relationship between proposals in local distribution politics. Second, through network analysis, factors such as the seniority of political parties and parliamentarians are important factors that affect the power images of distribution politics in Nantou County Council. Although senior councilors occupied the core positions in the 17th and 18th Council, as the main senior councilors changed their political careers and new councilors rose up, junior councilors began to play another important role in the distribution of political proposal networks in the 18th Council. In terms of electoral districts and electoral competition, some electoral districts continue to have strong connections and interactions. Councilors with less electoral competition are obviously in a marginal position in the distribution political network of the local council, and are less active in putting forth joint legislative proposals. On the whole, the degree of influence of constituency factors and the degree of competition in the election campaign on the local distribution of political proposals and the network of joint signatures for legislative proposals is vaguely visible but not obvious.
As far as the practical implications are concerned, in order to further gain more influence in the new round of joint proposals, it is necessary to obtain more opportunities for senior councilors of KMT and junior councilors of other parties to jointly promote special interests that are beneficial to voters. Public managers should face up to the misgivings of distributional imbalance that may be brought about by distributional politics, and take regulatory actions to minimize the potential imbalance.
In terms of theoretical implications, the factors that have influenced distributive politics of parliament in the past cannot properly explain the power operation of local councils. The power operation of local councils has deeper influence factors, which cannot be regarded as the same as that of parliament. It needs to be clarified after further research considers the deeper social interaction in the local councils.
起訖頁 121-157
關鍵詞 地方議會分配政治社會網絡分析提案連署local councildistributive politicssocial network analysisproposal of billspetition
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202311 (15:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 誰來服務比較安心?原住民族地區的民眾對公務員特質偏好的實證分析
該期刊-下一篇 書評--公部門的員工心聲、人力資源管理與領導力:多層次的工作福祉




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