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誰來服務比較安心?原住民族地區的民眾對公務員特質偏好的實證分析   全文下載 全文下載
Whose Services Put People at Ease? An Analysis of Public Preferences for Demographic Characteristics of Civil Servants in Indigenous Regions
作者 陳文學
Based on the theory of representative bureaucracy, this study looks into 55 indigenous regions. Through a telephone survey, it collects public preferences for the demographic characteristics of civil servants. Furthermore, taking ethnicity preferences as the dependent variable, the study uses multinomial logistic regression analysis to investigate the influence of public preferences for indigenous or Han civil servants. The survey respondents include both indigenous people and the Han people. The study finds that, firstly, there are different public preferences for the gender, age, household, and ethnicity of civil servants. The public particularly emphasizes the place of household registration of civil servants. Secondly, female respondents tend to prefer female civil servants, the public prefer civil servants from the same townships (cities, and districts), and indigenous people prefer indigenous civil servants. These findings demonstrate the consistency of preferences between the public and civil servants. In addition, the objective environment and social contact also influence the public preferences for civil servant characteristics. Finally, the study presents the implications of these research findings for the representative bureaucracy theory, while offering some suggestions for public human resources management in indigenous regions.
起訖頁 83-119
關鍵詞 代表性官僚民眾偏好人口特質原住民族地區社會接觸representative bureaucracypublic preferencesdemographic characteristicsindigenous regionsocial contact
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202311 (15:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 家庭照顧假的日韓比較與政策啟示
該期刊-下一篇 地方議會分配政治網絡分析:以南投縣第17與18屆議員提案為例




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