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客家孤島語言傳承與周邊族群:以宜蘭大南澳濱海客家為例   全文下載 全文下載
Language Transmission of Hakka Ethnic Enclaves and Neighbouring Groups: The Example of Marine Hakka in Danan’ao, Yilan
作者 王保鍵
The Hakka Affairs Council has designated 70 townships (cities/districts) as“major Hakka cultural areas”and“regional language areas”. In some villages of the“non-major Hakka cultural areas”, the Hakka people are highly concentrated geographically and surrounded by Minnan or aboriginal people. These villages are called the“Hakka ethnic enclaves”. The Hakka ethnic enclaves could be divided into two types --“single village”and“complex village”. Danan’ao is classified as“complex village of Hakka ethnic enclave”. This essay employs the research method of literature review, as well as Berry’s model of acculturation, to explore the shape and development of the marina Hakka ethnic enclave in Danan’ao, Yilan. The essay finds that (1) Hakka migrants have transformed Danan’ao into a Hakka ethnic enclave. As the ethnic industry changed, the Hakka people developed the living model of“half fishing and half agriculture”(living depending on the sea). Danan’ao becomes marina Hakka ethnic enclave. (2) Influenced by larger society of the host ethnic Minnan, the Hakka language maintenance faces a serious crisis of intergenerational language transmission in Danan’ao. Without the intervention of government policy, the Hakka language may be irrevocably lost. Based on the above findings, the essay suggests that the government should approve the“draft Hakka Language Development Act”and designate the type 3 Hakka regional language areas (villages), which could promote the growing of the Hakka ethnic enclaves.
起訖頁 143-178
關鍵詞 客家文化重點發展區客家孤島濱海客家文化客語major Hakka cultural areasHakka ethnic enclavesmarine Hakka cultureHakka language
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202211 (14:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 地方政府產業發展能力的挑戰與優化對策
該期刊-下一篇 書評--從需求評估的角度看國家選才




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