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地方政府產業發展能力的挑戰與優化對策   全文下載 全文下載
Challenges and Optimization Strategies of Industrial Development Capabilities for Local Governments
作者 戴元峰田玉玨
The central government formulates national development strategies, promotes industrial innovation policies, and develops critical industries. The key to effectively achieving goals is the local governments’capabilities to promote the development of local industries. This study adopts exploratory research to investigate the practical experience of local governments in promoting industrial development. The research questions include: What kind of capabilities are related to the promotion of industrial development by local governments? What challenges did local governments face in developing such capabilities? Which strategies can optimize them? Based on the literature, the author proposes that strategic capability, dynamic capability, resources and management capability, and policy capability constitute the industrial development capability of local governments. The semi-structured in-depth interview method was used to interview local officials with practical experience. This research finds that optimizing these capabilities can help drive local industry development. However, it is not easy for local governments to effectively promote complex industrial development alone. Many efforts require the support of the central government and external experts and scholars, and various models and strategies are used flexibly to interact, coordinate, and cooperate with internal and external actors. When the central government can pay attention to local opinions or needs, strengthening linkages, and joint participation, it will help promote critical national industrial policies. In the future, case studies can be used to explore the relationship between different capabilities, and based on the four capabilities, the capabilities evaluation and development tools can be made. The analysis results can provide reference to the central and local governments in industrial policy promotion, civil service training, intergovernmental cooperation, and policy communication.
起訖頁 95-141
關鍵詞 產業發展能力策略能力靈活應變能力資源與管理能力政策能力industrial development capabilitystrategic capabilitydynamic capabilityresource and management capabilitypolicy capability
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202211 (14:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 國考分發與類科對資淺公務人員轉調傾向之影響:公共服務動機為調節變項
該期刊-下一篇 客家孤島語言傳承與周邊族群:以宜蘭大南澳濱海客家為例




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