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日本獨立行政法人制度變遷之經驗分析:從橋本內閣到安倍二次組閣   全文下載 全文下載
Analysis of Changes in Independent Administrative Institutions in Japan: From Hashimoto Administration to Second Abe Administration
作者 李天申 (Tien-Shen Li)寺山學
Under traditional administrative arrangements, the executive branch has the dual role of policymaking and implementation. Since the 1980s, many democracies have adopted the concept of New Public Management (NPM) and established a wide range of executive agencies that work at arm’s length from the government. These agencies are designed to focus on policy implementation free from political interference. The United Kingdom is one of the most notable examples of the application of NPM in public policy. Japan’s promotion of“agencification”began under the administration of Ryutaro Hashimoto. Hashimoto established the Administrative Reform Council, which proposed the establishment of Independent Administrative Institutions (IAIs) based on the experience of the United Kingdom. The system of IAIs was then subject to considerable changes during the Koizumi administration and the second Abe administration. This study considers the development of IAIs as a continuous and dynamic process. In this regard, this study analyzes the reasons for and processes of the changes in IAIs. These experiences provide a useful reference for administrative reform in Taiwan.
起訖頁 131-159
關鍵詞 獨立行政法人政署行政法人制度變遷Independent Administrative Institutionexecutive agencyagencificationinstitutional change
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202205 (14:1期)
出版單位 考試院
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該期刊-下一篇 書評--官僚體制的藝術:數位轉型中的猴子、刮鬍刀與相撲選手




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