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數位創新服務下個人目標設定與組織目標認同之關係:以公務員知覺風險為調節變項   全文下載 全文下載
Relationship between Individual Goal Setting and Organizational Goal Identification in Digital Innovation Service: Civil Servants’Perceived Risk as a Moderator Variable
作者 張玲玲
Public services provided via digital innovation is inevitable for governance in the future, but it creates a certain level of perception risk. Overall effectiveness is driven by alignment of individual goal setting and identifying with organizational goal. This study uses stimulation of public service digital sandbox mechanism to explore three areas in the relationship between individual goal setting and organizational goal identification. Firstly, it uses the Goal Setting theory to explore the relationship between individual’s goal achievement and identifying with organizational goals. Secondly, this study inspects whether an individual’s perception risk of digital innovation can influence his/her goal achievement. Thirdly, the paper explores whether perception risk can influence the level of individual’s identifying with organizational goals. Research results indicate positive recognition of digital innovation can help with individual goal setting and identifying with organizational goals. When an individual can successfully achieve goals and possess a certain level of perception risk of digital innovation within the organization, both factors create positive effect on identifying with organizational goals. Perception risk, however, is not an adjustment variable for increasing the level of individual goal achievement and identifying with organizational goals. This research concludes that government should support employees in setting their goals when pursuing policies, successful goal setting will increase the level of individuals identifying with organizational goals and government should help employees possess technical knowledge as well as accurate perception risk.
起訖頁 109-130
關鍵詞 數位創新公共服務個人目標設定組織目標認同知覺風險public service of digital innovationindividual goal settingorganizational goal identificationperceived risk
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202205 (14:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 性別對公務人員陞遷發展之影響:一項運用人事資料庫的縱貫性研究
該期刊-下一篇 日本獨立行政法人制度變遷之經驗分析:從橋本內閣到安倍二次組閣




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