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與主管越相似會讓部屬越滿意嗎?領導部屬交換理論觀點的探討   全文下載 全文下載
Does Similarity Increase Subordinates’Satisfaction? A Perspective of Leader-Member Exchange Theory
作者 王婷虹董祥開詹中原
As a saying goes,“Birds of a feather flock together,”people with more similarities are more likely to be attracted to each other. Some prior studies showed that when government employees were not satisfied with the leadership of their leaders, it would affect their job satisfaction. This study aims at exploring why leaders make different relationships with different subordinates, from the perspective of Leader-Member Exchange theory, and tries to answer the question of whether the similarity in the level of trust, support from supervisors, and leadership style affect the staff’s satisfaction with supervisors.
This study conducted a questionnaire survey on government employees in Taipei City government. We successfully gathered responses from 33 supervisors and 108 subordinates in total. After analyzing the results, this study found that although the similarity in leadership style and gender did not affect the satisfaction with the supervisors, subordinates still had a high degree of satisfaction with supervisors when they perceived a higher level of trust and a higher level of support from their supervisors. In general, the cognition of subordinates is crucial. For the subordinates, no matter how supervisors think, as long as they trust their supervisors and believe they have enough support, they will have positive attitude toward their supervisors. Hence, as long as the subordinates trust their supervisors and feel they are supported, they are willing to follow orders.
起訖頁 99-135
關鍵詞 領導部屬交換理論相似性部屬對主管滿意度工作滿意度Leader-Member Exchange Theorysimilaritysatisfaction with supervisorsjob satisfaction
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202010 (12:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 新加坡發展型國家的政經分析:官僚創新、文官制度與治理模式的演變
該期刊-下一篇 大學教師兼任學校行政職的角色衝突與調適:以政治大學為個案之分析




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