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新加坡發展型國家的政經分析:官僚創新、文官制度與治理模式的演變   全文下載 全文下載
Developmental State: Singapore’s Bureaucratic Innovation, Administrative Service, and the Evolution of Its Governing Regimes
作者 王輝煌
The raging trends of globalization and neo-liberalism have strongly impacted countries all over the world ever since the 1980s. The developments of Southeast Asian and Central American countries have since faced tough challenges, both theoretically and practically. Amazingly, Singapore has not only held out well till now but also has achieved dazzling performances after she initiated a series of reforms in the mid-1980s. Therefore, Singapore has stood in stark contrast to Japan and Taiwan, both of which have suffered from waning competitiveness during the same period.
This paper argues that there are independent and macro-level processes through which bureaucracies build their professional capacity and autonomy. There are mainly two types of mechanisms in these processes, i.e. the extent of integration among development policies and the Singaporean system of Administrative Service. Consequently, this paper will examine the extent of integration among development policies, features of the Administrative Service, and the role and performance of the Administrative Service in two periods, from 1959 to the mid-1980s and from the mid-1980s to the early 2010s.
Then, based on the findings of the extent of integration among development policies and the Singaporean system of Administrative Service, this paper will analyze how the roles and performances of the Administrative Service took shape, and how the professional capacity and autonomy of the Administrative Service were forged.
Finally, this paper argues that the significant progress of the professional capacity and autonomy of the Administrative Service have consolidated greatly the authority and legitimacy of the Singaporean government. Meanwhile, the Administrative Service also has become a dominant force over the PAP, the Congress, and the Singaporean society. The civil society of Singapore has dwindled significantly as a result, together with their autonomy and participation in democratic politics.
起訖頁 61-98
關鍵詞 政策創新發展型國家政聯企業行政官輪調與升遷policy innovationdevelopmental stategovernment-linked enterprisesadministrative servicepromotion and rotation
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202010 (12:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 初探臺灣離島發展之法律框架再造:英國離島(蘇格蘭)法的啟發
該期刊-下一篇 與主管越相似會讓部屬越滿意嗎?領導部屬交換理論觀點的探討




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