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公共服務動機析論:兼論後年改時代提升公共服務動機之策略   全文下載 全文下載
On Public Service Motivation and Its Enhancing Strategies after Civil Service Pension Reform in Taiwan
作者 李俊達
When discussing public service motivation (PSM), one of the core issues is whether it is a personality trait or a state of mind. A personality trait is a stable characteristic of an individual that is consistent in all situations at all time. However, a state of mind is a transient characteristic that can change over time in different situations. If PSM is a consistent trait, civil service PSM would not be changed by pension reform. If PSM is a transient state, the impacts of pension reform may lower civil service PSM. For personality trait cases, the promotion strategies for PSM need to redesign procedure of human resources management to recruit applicants with PSM and provide on-the-job training by emphasizing work value and meaning. On the other hand, the promotion strategies for state of mind cases are creating a supporting organization environment, integrating commitments, visions and leaderships of public organizations, and building the legitimacy of public service recognized by society.
起訖頁 57-87
關鍵詞 年金改革公共服務動機激勵pension reformpublic service motivationmotivation
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202004 (12:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 管理才能評鑑途徑的爭議與展望:以「籃中演練」為例
該期刊-下一篇 書評--公共政策的傳播:場域、媒介與行動




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