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災害救援過程中的協力關係:以東日本大地震為例   全文下載 全文下載
The Collaborative Partnership during Disaster Rescue: Using Tohoku Earthquake as an Example
作者 林淑馨 (Shu-Hsin Lin)
Japan is located in an area of high seismicity, and earthquakes have brought devastating damages and destructions to the country. But Japan has always been a leading country in the fields of disaster education, disaster preparedness (for example: disaster drills) and emergency rescues, which have led to a significant improvement for disaster rescue and prevention. Although the 2011 Tohoku earthquake had devastated Japan, the public-private collaboration in rescue has provided an opportunity for the global community to study and reflect on.
Study shows that during the rescue of Tohoku Earthquake victims, Japan had established the system of mutual assistance and made good use of division of labor, carrying out horizontal cross-boundary governance which reduced effectively the negative impacts that might have arose from the disaster. However, the challenges that lies ahead is what the government can do to strengthen the partner relationship during emergency and to resolve the heavy financial burden of horizontal partnerships. Moreover, we have learnt from Japan’s experience that although disaster prevention activities are mainly led by government, we will still need to utilize the power of intermediate organizations to integrate private resources with public ones so that we can achieve the goal of reducing damages caused by disaster. Finally, the institutionalization of cross-boundary governance for disaster prevention and the capacity of public-private partnerships for managing different issues are what Taiwan can learn from.
起訖頁 21-53
關鍵詞 防災行政東日本大地震公私協力廣域行政非營利組織disaster managementTohoku earthquakepublic-private partnershipwide area administrationnon-profit organization
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201610 (9:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 從E化、M化、U化到?化:電子化政府科技變革樂觀論的反思
該期刊-下一篇 公共服務中的「面具效應」:情緒勞務觀點的探討




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