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社會影響因素對我國公務人員數位學習意向及行為之影響:以性別、年齡及經驗為調節變項   全文下載 全文下載
The Social Influence Factors that Affect the e-learning Behavioral Intention and Behaviors of Civil Servants: Gender, Age, and Experience as Moderators
作者 陳俊廷黃明月
This study adopts the social influence factors of the UTAUT model - including dimensions of subjective norm, social factors and image - to understand how the social influence factors affect the e-learning behavioral intention and behaviors of civil servants. In addition, this study uses gender, age, and experience as moderators to analyse how those moderators affect the relationship among social influence factors, e-learning behavioral intention and behaviors. A survey questionnaire was distributed to the members of the internet learning system,“Public Service e-Learning Web”. Thus the research data of this study includes the information gathered both from the members survey and their e-learning records. After a statistical analysis, the findings demonstrate that: 1. Social influence factors have significantly positive effects on e-learning behavior intention and behaviors. 2. Gender moderates the relationship among social influence factors, e-learning behavioral intention and behaviors, but age and experience do not. The results of this study will provide the government with suggestions for policy making in order to motivate civil servants to use e-learning as a learning approach.
起訖頁 89-119
關鍵詞 社會影響因素數位學習行為意向使用行為科技接受與使用整合模式social influence factorse-learning behavioral intentione-learning behaviorUTAUT
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201604 (9:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 錯不在我!貪污犯合理化心理機制之探索
該期刊-下一篇 書評--績效統計數據的管理




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