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錯不在我!貪污犯合理化心理機制之探索   全文下載 全文下載
It’s Not My Fault! The Psychodynamic Process of Corruption Convicts
作者 余一鳴 (Yi-Ming Yu)
Corruption has been common throughout history until now, and its damage to society and countries worldwide has been immeasurable. With the development of democracy, the issue of corruption has increasingly received attention, and every country has been dedicated to fighting corruption. The government of Taiwan was no exception, establishing the Agency Against Corruption, which aims to promote ethics and integrity and facilitate administrative transparency. However, most studies on corruption have, focused on the institutional and structural backgrounds and few have probed corruption from the perspective of the psychological processes of those found guilty of corruption.
Therefore, this study adopts the perspective of cognitive dissonance to examine a case of an individual convicted of corruption. The results show that the person experienced cognitive dissonance in the initial stage. To mitigate the psychological pressure from cognitive dissonance, people convicted of corruption attempt to adjust their thoughts to ameliorate the pressure of corrupt behavior, which was used by the individual investigated in the study to rationalize of corruption.
起訖頁 53-87
關鍵詞 貪腐認知失調心理歷程貪污犯道德疏離corruptioncognitive dissonancepsychodynamic processembezzlermoral disengagement
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201604 (9:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 行政服務變革管理之因應策略探討
該期刊-下一篇 社會影響因素對我國公務人員數位學習意向及行為之影響:以性別、年齡及經驗為調節變項




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