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伊甸基金會推動產業化的跨部門協力模式   全文下載 全文下載
NPO’s Commercialization Strategy and Cross-sector Governance: A Case Study of Eden Social Welfare Foundation
作者 李柏諭
Since the 1980s, the development of non-profit organizations (NPO) or the third sector has been encountering various challenges. Facing the contraction of government subsidies, as well as global economic slump causing a reduction of donation by enterprises and the general public, how non-profit organizations initiate projects of commercialization in order to preserve the organizational sustainability and maintain the public interests is an important topic. This research is aimed at dealing with the theoretical basis of commercialization of the third sector by examining the issues related to the sector’s operational reconstruction, its development backgrounds, methods and types. The study also looks at a new commercialization strategy that incorporates new resources and public-goods principles. Empirically, through observation of the commercialization process of Taiwan’s Eden Social Welfare Foundation, this study uses multi-sectoral cooperation governance to emphasize the partnership among governments, enterprises and the third sector that co-produce public services. The study combines the research, training, production and marketing of commercialization process of Eden Social Welfare Foundation with Najam’s“4C Model”(cooperation, complementarity, confrontation and co-optation), and details the foundation’s experiences for the reference of all those interested.
起訖頁 47-87
關鍵詞 非營利組織產業化跨部門協力社會企業企業社會責任the third sectorcommercializationcross-sector governancesocial enterprisecorporate social responsibility
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201504 (7:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 我國非營利組織與地方政府協力現況之初探與反思:以臺北市為例
該期刊-下一篇 書評--民眾外包:為什麼民眾的力量正在驅動引領企業的未來




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