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我國非營利組織與地方政府協力現況之初探與反思:以臺北市為例   全文下載 全文下載
An Exploration of and Reflections on the Partnership between Non-Profit Organizations and Local Governments: A Case Study of Taipei City
作者 林淑馨 (Shu-Hsin Lin)
This study aims to organize and analyze theories concerning partnership between local governments and non-profit organizations in order to understand what a local government can expect when partnership is implemented. Through empirical survey, we are able to recognize the current partnership between local governments and NPOs and to understand their perspectives on partnership, and the challenges that arise from such partnerships. Furthermore, by exploring the reasons why some NPOs are unwilling to get involved in partnership, we could know how to improve the situation and strengthen the incentives for NPOs in executing partnership which in the long run can help to develop a sound partnership environment.
This study uses literature review and questionnaire survey to understand and reflect on the current situation and problems in the partnership between Taipei City and the NPOs. The study shows that over 90% of NPOs consider it meaningful to maintain a partnership with the government, but over half of the NPOs admit to not having much partnership
experience. The main reason is insufficient information disclosed to the public. Information is largely acquired from government websites or other NPOs and the main mode of partnership is out-sourcing. Organizations that have been interviewed believe that enacting partnership-related laws and regulations is a priority that Taipei City should focus on. Furthermore, the author believes that disclosing more information and increasing government grants will induce NPOs to enter into partnerships with the government. This study concludes that from the example of Taipei City, Taiwan’s local governments should try to make relevant laws and regulations on partnership, build an open and transparent partnership environment, and increase local public servants’knowledge about NPOs. At the same time, local governments should apply diverse partnership models, rather than relying only on out-sourcing, in order to eliminate the doubts of NPOs and increase their willingness to work in partnership with the government.
起訖頁 17-45
關鍵詞 地方政府非營利組織協力臺北市委託local governmentnon-profit organizationspartnershipTaipei Cityout-sourcing
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201504 (7:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 「語言賽局」與「以過程導向界定公共利益」哲學思維的一致性
該期刊-下一篇 伊甸基金會推動產業化的跨部門協力模式




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