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外部環境變遷下的公部門人才管理策略   全文下載 全文下載
Developing Talent Management Strategies in Public Sector to Meet Challenges Posed by External Changes
作者 陳志瑋
As governments do their regular work, they are faced with more and more extraordinary incidents that are testing their ability to respond. Some emerging issues, such as aging population, declining birth rate, climate change, annuity scheme reform, public debt balance, industry development and youth unemployment, are all knotty issues for policy makers.
This paper aims to develop talent management strategies for the public sector as part of efforts to address the intractable public issues which are deeply intertwined with global and national forces. On the other hand, this paper focuses on three strategies of talent management: talent recruitment, capacity building, and talent retention. The results can be concluded as follows:
First, the hiring agency should be given the autonomy to recruit people who have high capabilities of coordination and integration and integrate them into a national system that is geared toward opening up and innovation.
Second, build and strengthen public employees’collaborative governing ability and cutback management capacity.
Third, hold the public agency leader more accountable for human resources management, so they can do their jobs of strategic management and performance management more effectively.
起訖頁 65-97
關鍵詞 人才管理人才甄選能力建立人才留用Talent ManagementTalent RecruitmentCapacity Buildingand Talent Retention
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201404 (6:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 我國移民管理之政策與未來之發展
該期刊-下一篇 論政府機關職務代理之法制化




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