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政府契約人力之政策定位與現實   全文下載 全文下載
The Policy Line towards Government Contract Personnel and Reality in Taiwan: A Perspective from Government Internal Labor Market
作者 蘇偉業
This paper tries to examine the gaps between the policy line towards government contract personnel system and the reality in Taiwan, which refer to the gap between the normative position of the personnel authority and the reality at the implementation level as well as the gap between the strategic position derived from the western public human resource theory and the real situation in Taiwan.
This paper first compares and contrasts the global trend of public manpower flexibilization with the corresponding policy line in Taiwan, then zeroing in on the policy line of the recent reform of government contract personnel. Policy gaps are identified through an examination of official documents and literature. The author proposes that the policy gaps have formed as a result of the relative positions of career civil servants and contract employees. Existing literature projects an interesting phenomenon that grassroot career civil servants are highly mobile and their organizational commitment is relatively low, while the contract employees are ironically stable and more attached to organization. This phenomenon works against the oft-quoted human resource architecture developed by D. P. Lepak and S. A. Snell.
In response, this paper advances some government internal labor market (GILM) propositions to reframe the relative positions of career civil servants and contract employees. The author argues that the above phenomenon, which is seldom found in other countries, is caused by the accessibility of career civil servants and the inaccessibility of contract employees to the GILM. The GILM should be a significant but underdeveloped issue of public personnel administration for Taiwan. Finally, this paper suggests that the government consider the GLIM as a variable in making the strategy of government human resource management and reposition the manpower of career civil servants and contract employees.
起訖頁 33-59
關鍵詞 契約人力政府內部人力市場組織承諾公務人力常任文官contract personnelgovernment internal labor marketorganizational commitmentpublic manpower systemcareer civil servant
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201201 (4:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 檢察事務官人力運用制度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 政府人力資源的招募管理--以公務人員高普考試為例




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