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我國高階主管特別管理制度之規劃策略--兼論英、美、荷、韓四國與我國之比較   全文下載 全文下載
The Planning Strategy of Senior Executives Administration System in Taiwan-- And its Contrast with United Kingdom, United States, Netherlands and Korea
作者 郭倩茜
In 2000, OECD made a survey for its members and found that among all pubic departments in modern countries, leadership was the most in need of improvement. Based on the finding, the Examination Yuan asked Minister of Civil Service to draft a plan on the selection, promotion and transfer, performance evaluation, and payment in the administration system for senior executives. Through those issues, it could establish a special and different administration system from the current one, including training, development, and employment of executives, and use this system as the main scheme to push ahead government administration.
So far, this system includes six key points:“Rigorous Selection”,“Professional Training at the National Academy of Civil Service”,“Building a Talent Bank of Executives”,“Establishing a Committee of Cross-Department Selection and Cultivation”,“Setting up an Exclusive Salary System”, and“Designing a Quality Evaluation and Exit Mechanism”.
This study not only refers to the advantages and successful experiences of senior civil service from advanced countries, but also considers the special situation in Taiwan, so that its conclusion will be more feasible and more conducive to building a culture for an advanced civil service. For example, the study finds that Taiwan has followed the basic rules of examinations as stipulated in the Constitution that are close-ended, not open to external competitions.
Furthermore, Taiwan’s system uses the merit principle as the general rule to manage civil service. This principle is restricting the Senior Executives Administration System, and thus the essence of its planning strategy.
起訖頁 77-104
關鍵詞 高級文官人才庫功績原則高階主管Senior Civil ServiceTalent bankMerit principleSenior Executive Service
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201110 (3:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 建立全球架構高階文官培訓制度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 公務人員俸給制度之法理探討




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