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公務員協力能力的建立及策略契合   全文下載 全文下載
Capacity-Building and Strategy: Aligning of Collaboration for Civil Service
作者 陳志瑋
Since Taiwan is just beginning to promote strategic public human re-sources management, there are lots of management practices for us to im-prove its quality. The purpose of this article is to research the necessity of collaborative capability building for the civil service with documental analy-sis, since they have to deal with more and more cross-boundary issues or is-sues of intergovernmental relations. To increase public organization capac-ity, this paper takes collaboration capability as a strategic issue, and argues that it has to be aligned into strategic management process, that is, the strate-gic alignment. As a result, the strategic public human resource manage-ment can be realized, and more attention can be paid to the strategic man-agement in public sector.
This paper takes collaborative capability as a vital strategic capacity. Then, the paper discusses the conditions and approaches of collaborative ca-pability building. Finally, this article argues that collaboration capability should be aligned to missions, visions, values, goals, stakeholders, and ac-countability of public organizations, and that strategic capability of collabo-ration is not exclusive to top management, but involves all echelons of pub-lic organizations. This article concludes that legislations of public strategic human resources management should be emphasized so that the goals of strategic alignment could be achieved.
起訖頁 137-164
關鍵詞 協力能力策略契合策略性公共人力資源管理collaboration capabilitystrategic alignmentstrategic public human resource management
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200910 (1:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 台灣文官的公共服務價值觀與新公共服務精神的比較:經驗調查初探




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