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電子化政府的影響評估:內部顧客的觀點   全文下載 全文下載
Exploring the Impact of E-Government: Perspective from Internal Customers
作者 黃東益
Through literature review, this article first constructs an analytical framework by identifying and incorporating the factors explaining e-government’s impact on civil servants. Based on the Internet survey data collected from public officials in Taiwan’s central and local governments, this study uses factor analysis to explore the dimensions of e-government’s impact on public officials. Regression analysis is further conducted to detect the explanatory power of demographic variables, perceived usefulness of e-government, work compatibility, IT capability, and need for IT on work. The findings suggest that e-government impact on civil servants based on the items we use in this study could be divided into three categories: helpfulness in work, usefulness in responding to citizens and pressure of being super-vised. Our respondents are in general positive toward e-government in terms of its helpfulness in work and its usefulness in responding to citizens. The results of regression analysis indicate that age, lower rank vs. middle rank, computer usage outside work, IT capability, work compatibility, perceived usefulness are explanatory variables of e-government impact on civil ser-vants. These findings suggest that variables in technology usage theory and planned behavior model could be extended to explaining e-government im-pact. Despite positive impact of e-government on civil servants, this study also finds that e-government increases our respondents’pressure of being supervised. Based on the above findings and the methodological constraint of this study, this article proposes suggestions for practitioners and further research agenda.
起訖頁 25-53
關鍵詞 公務員電子化政府影響評估內部顧客civil servante-governmentimpact evaluationinternal customer
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200907 (1:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務人力年齡結構分析及對人力資源管理的意涵
該期刊-下一篇 協力理論在跨界人力資源管理的應用:以「政府機關與績優民間機構人才交流實施辦法草案」為例




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