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Closing the Ph.D. Talent Gap in Taiwan: A Macroeconomic Analysis
作者 高一誠陳為政廖珮如
Taiwan is experiencing a decline in the number of doctoral students in higher education. How to provide incentives for students to pursue a doctoral degree is a widely discussed issue. This paper constructs an occupational choice model with heterogeneous individuals in an overlapping generations model rationally choosing to study abroad, enter domestic doctoral programs, or work in industry. The framework captures the features of the two-stage Ph.D. labor market and the spillover effect of knowledge production on the industry sector. We also highlight the productivity differential between overseas-trained professors and their domestic counterparts. The model is used to quantify the effects of various subsidies on higher education. Our quantitative analysis suggests that providing a subsidy to domestic doctoral students is more effective in boosting the number of doctoral students than subsidizing professors’research. Nevertheless, in fields with a relatively large productivity differential, this policy does not necessarily improve average welfare because of fewer overseas-trained professors and lower knowledge accumulation.
起訖頁 165-206
關鍵詞 職業選擇跨期疊代知識生產外溢效果補貼政策Occupational choiceOverlapping generationsKnowledge productionSpillover effectSubsidy policy
刊名 經濟論文  
期數 202406 (52:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院經濟研究所
該期刊-上一篇 經濟政策不確定性對總消費貸款的影響──新興經濟體的實證研究




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