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Epidemiological Surveys of Infertility Women with Failures in Assisted Reproductive Technology Receiving Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment
作者 傅士豪蔡良敏王淑秋陳雅婷鄧依羚林嘉微張烱宏
本研究探討不孕症婦女因人工輔助生殖技術(ART)失敗後進而尋求中醫治療之流行性病學概況。我們從回溯2017–2018年台南市立醫院中醫門診相關資料,接受人工輔助生殖技術失敗至本院中醫科治療的女性不孕症患者。結果顯示2017–2018年共計兩年期間,共收入人工輔助生殖技術失敗女生患者有139人,其不孕年數為5.0±3.4年,平均年齡為38.0±3.9歲,不孕原因前三名分別為卵巢退化佔59.0%、子宮內膜異位佔20.1%、多囊性卵巢佔15.8%。AMH < 2.0 ng/ml人數共有72人,其中年紀20–35歲間佔15.2%(n = 11/72),年紀大於35歲間佔84.7%(n = 61/72)。本研究結論藉由此研究可以了解人工輔助生殖技術失敗這群女性患者的特性,高齡比例佔很大部分,當中以卵巢退化為最主要因素外,往往合併多重因素,且隨年紀增加卵巢退化比率也增加。
The aim of this study was to explore epidemiological surveys of infertile women experiencing failures in assisted reproductive technology and receiving traditional Chinese medicine treatment. We retrospectively enrolled infertile women who had failed to undergo artificial assisted reproductive technology and were subsequently treated with traditional Chinese medicine at Tainan Municipal Hospital in Taiwan between 2017 and 2018. A total of 139 female infertility patients were included in this study. The duration of infertility was 5.0±3.4 years, and the average age of infertile women was 38.0±3.9 years old. Diminished Ovarian Reserve was the most common cause (59.0%), followed by endometriosis (20.1%), and polycystic ovary syndrome (15.8%). Among the patients with AMH < 2.0 ng/ml, 15.2% (n = 11/72) were aged 20–35, and 84.7% (n = 61/72) were older than 35 years old. The study found that advanced age and ovarian degeneration are the most important factors, and female ovarian reserve declines progressively with increasing age.
起訖頁 174-181
關鍵詞 女性不孕症人工輔助生殖技術中醫流行病學調查female infertilityassisted reproductive technologyChinese medicineepidemiological survey
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 202408 (23:2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 支氣管擴張症之手術與臨床照護
該期刊-下一篇 護理個案管理模式對台灣類風濕性關節炎患者疼痛與疲憊之成效探討




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